Alien Abductions etc.

Football. Cloud. Tech. Liberal Politics. Pictures - Principal Architect for Messaging/Eventing at Microsoft.


#🔗#🔗#🔗#🔗 ...


#🔗#🔗#🔗#Wäre mal interessant, sich die Wehrmachtsakten der Großväter zu bestellen. 🔗#🔗#Meanwhile, my experiment with this minimal iOS blogging app for sharing links and text snippets and having the blog engine collect those in a virtual daily post is progressing quite ...


#Barbaric 🔗#What is the money flow here? 🔗#🔗 ...


I made a few config changes to the blog and am checking whether my forwarding functions to Twitter, Mastodon, and LinkedIn still work. #fwdtwitter #fwdmastodon #fwdlinkedin ...

Nothing seriousPermalink

I've made some updates to the blog engine today. The feature to summarize title-less blog posts doesn't yet work as it should in some scenarios, but I'm making progress. ...