Alien Abductions etc.
Football. Cloud. Tech. Liberal Politics. Pictures - Principal Architect for Messaging/Eventing at Microsoft.
A thought experiment: "New JSON Schema"Permalink
JSON Schema has been in development since ca. 2009 and has gone through several iterations. Yet, there is still no IETF RFC anyone could really lean on as a standard. Practitioners are largely using 'Draft 7' of JSON Schema and the subsequent releases have seen comparatively ...
H1/2025 Conference session proposals Permalink
I just put a few new session titles/abstracts into my Sessionize speaker profile for the coming year: 1. Bringing Clarity to Event Streams: Enabling Analytics and AI Through Rich Metadata đź”— 2. Streamifying Reference Data for Temporal Consistency with Telemetry Events đź”— 3. ...
"Plain JSON" encoding for Apache AvroPermalink
Also available here. JIRA-3986. Illustrating Avro project PR for C#. The Apache Avro project defines a JSON Encoding, which is optimized for encoding data in JSON, but primarily aimed at exchanging data between implementations of the Apache Avro specification. The choices made ...
#Looking forward to the next season of Andor: Â đź”—#Reply in a Reddit thread on legitimate uses of returning 'object' in C##đź”— ...
A semantic identifier for occurrences: CloudEvent "type" Permalink
In today's xRegistry WG Friday meeting we had a debate about the relationship between the message identifier (messageid) that uniquely identifies a metadata template for a CloudEvent (if that is the chosen envelope format) and the CloudEvent type attribute. In the message ...