A light at the end of the travel tunnel
“Self inflicted damage“ is probably the right expression to use. It’s Sunday, I am home, it’s a beautiful day and I am once again packing a suitcase. The taxi arrives at 16:00h and I’ll be airborne at around 16:45h (the drive to Düsseldorf airport from my apartment is about 8 minutes and I am already checked in via phone) going to Munich and from there to Bern in Switzerland for a 1 1/2...
TechEd US: CSI360/CSI359 demo code.
Here’s the raw, not really well documented code drop with the sample and framework code for my CSI360 and CSI359 talks here at TechEd US. The talks are today at 5pm (CSI360 – Asynchronous Messaging) and on Thursday at 1:30pm (CSI359 – Handling Transaction Abort Cases). As soon as I find time, I’ll document the framework classes a bit better here on the blog. The archive contains, amongst other things, a WSE channel...
“SOA” doesn’t really exist, does it?
In the past months I’ve been throwing ideas back and forth with some of my friends and we’re slowly realizing that “Service Oriented Architecture” doesn’t really exist.
The term “Service Oriented Architecture” implies that there is something special about architecture when it comes to service orientation, Web services, XML, loose coupling and all the wonderful blessings of the past 5 years in this wave. But if you look at it, there really...
Podcasting with Ron Jacobs and Arvindra Sehmi
Ron Jacobs has posted podcasts of two conversations Ron and Arvindra Sehmi and myself had at Microsoft UK two weeks ago, when we coincidentally ran into each other there.
Still alive
I just looked at my blog and found that I haven’t written anything in more than three weeks and not anything of any substance in more than 6 weeks. I can’t even believe it’s been that long. Time flies by when you’re busy. I still owe a follow up to this here, and will try to get that done in the next two weeks or so.
So what happened in the past...