Godspeed, Yang Liwei
China has a man in orbit. I think that's fantastic. I strongly believe that they're serious about going to the moon. It's time man goes back up there.
China has a man in orbit. I think that's fantastic. I strongly believe that they're serious about going to the moon. It's time man goes back up there.
Here’s a little, so far unpublicized secret from my calendar (read on, freebie ahead):
My company, newtelligence, is currently running a series of workshops on “Windows DNA to Microsoft .NET migration” for Microsoft EMEA at the Microsoft Technology Centre in Reading, UK. We already ran three events with lots of success and have at least another two scheduled.
On the first day, we cover aspects like “Why, when and when not to...
I see quite a few models for Service Oriented Architectures that employ pipelines with validating "gatekeeper" stages that verify whether inbound messages are valid according to an agreed contract. Validation on inbound messages is a reactive action resulting from distrust of the communication partner's ability to adhere to the contract. Validation on inbound messages shields a service from invalid input data, but seen from the perspective of the entire system, the action occurs too late.
What I see less often is a gatekeeper on outbound channels that...
Call me ignorant, but I think that the much hyped BloggerCon was an experiment that tanked completely. I wasn't there, but I see the results in "blogspace" and it is severely disappointing to say the least.
I just went through about 40 of the blogs on the blogroll and what I found was lots of name dropping like "Wow, I met NNN and he/she is so cool/interesting/witty/bright/blonde", lots of "NNN just started his session on [something that you'll...
Ummm.... did I document that? If you use dasBlog, you can have an individual template for each category. Just create a subdirectory with the same name as the category (and subdirectory of the subdirectory for a nested category) and place the modified template files there. I just did that for the dasBlog category (subcategory of newtelligence) and placed the new files into the newtelligence/dasBlog subdir below the main template directory. Requires version 1.2 or later.