Here’s a little, so far unpublicized secret from my calendar (read on, freebie ahead):

My company, newtelligence, is currently running a series of workshops on “Windows DNA to Microsoft .NET migration” for Microsoft EMEA at the Microsoft Technology Centre in Reading, UK. We already ran three events with lots of success and have at least another two scheduled.

On the first day, we cover aspects like “Why, when and when not to migrate”, migration strategies, Web services integration and side-by-side comparisons of technologies like ASP/ASP.NET and ADO/ADO.NET. And on the second day, we actually port an ASP/COM+ app to the .NET platform from scratch and show common preparation steps, pitfalls and workaround techniques.

And here’s the best of it all: Microsoft offers this workshop series to their enterprise customers at no charge. All you need is to register and pay your own travel and hotel. The events run at the Microsoft Campus in Reading, UK. Next dates are November 6-7 and December 11-12. Seating is very limited, so if you are interested you need to be quick to grab a seat.

There are two ways to get in. Either contact your Microsoft account manager (if you have one) and ask about the “DNA -> .NET Interop and Migration” course at the EMEA Microsoft Technology Centre or, much simpler, simply drop us a mail at with your full business contact details and we’ll get back to you with the full agenda and information on how to sign up (given there are still seats available). If you don’t think you are a Microsoft enterprise customer – write anyways. We’ll try.

Why am I writing this? At the last run of the event we still had a few seats left and I suspect that was simply because only few people knew about these events and Microsoft didn’t make them very visible. So I thought I should make that a bit better known for the benefit of the community ;)

Now you know. Tell your friends. It’s good, it’s free, can’t go wrong ;)
