Lightweight Transactions in the FABRIQ Pipeline
Slowly, slowly I am seeing some light at the end of the tunnel designing the FABRIQ. It’s a very challenging project and although I am having a lot of fun, it’s really much harder work than I initially thought.
Today I’d like to share some details with you on how I am employing the lightweight transaction coordinator “WorkSet” that Steve Swartz and I wrote...
Just so that you know ….
There's a free weblog hosting site under the domain I'd like to inform you (my readers) that neither me nor newtelligence AG are associated with that site and that we are not providing that service. The operator of the site does certainly nothing to make that clear. We're currently investigating the situation.
(Not so) culture neutral Power Points
Yesterday, at the Microsoft EMEA Architect Forum in Portugal, I found out yet again that writing slide decks that work for all of Europe is a bit challenging. To make a point about some of the benefits of using an EAI/B2B tool, I was citing some points from a BizTalk case study talking about how the Swedish company Svenska Foder implemented their B2B infrastructure. Guess what? "Foder" isn't something you use to feed animals in Portuguese; it's rather...
Boykottiert SAT.1!
Die Harald Schmidt Show wird eingestellt. Höchste Zeit, SAT.1 von der Fernbedienung zu verbannen. Mensch, das versaut einem doch direkt den ganzen Wochenablauf. "Freiwillige Bildschirmpause"; dass ich nicht lache.
dasBlog v1.5 posted.
The Releases section over at the GotDotNet workspace has three variants of v1.5:
"Source ZIP" with the code, "Web Files" with the runtime files (to update existing installs and do manual installs) and "Web Setup" which is an MSI to install the web site. Because the feature list keep growing, but we haven't done a language update for the various local languages, yet, updates to the string tables are welcome in the workspace source...