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Pipelines, Pipelines, Pipelines, and Frameworks. A spontaneous rant.

In my comment view for the last post (comment #1), Piyush Pant writes about the confusion around different pipeline models and frameworks that are popping up all over the place and mentions Proseware, so I need to clarify some things:

I'll address the "too many frameworks" concern first: Proseware's explicit design goal and my job was to use the technologies ASP.NET Web Services, WSE 2.0, IIS, MSMQ, and Enterprise Services as pure...

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Benjamin’s summary of my “Building Proseware” session at TechEd

Benjamin Mitchell wrote a better summary of my "Building Proseware Inc." session at TechEd Amsterdam than I ever could.

Because ... whenever the lights go on and the mike is open, I somehow automatically switch into an adrenalin-powered auto-pilot mode that luckily works really well and since my sessions take up so much energy and "focus on the moment", I often just don't remember all the things I said once the session is over and I am cooled down....

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