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SocketShifter - Network virtualization over the .NET Service Bus

Anyone using the .NET Service Bus should take a good look at the SocketShifter project started by Rob Blackwell and Richard Prodger from AWS in the UK. AWS stands for Active Web Solutions, not for the "other" AWS. The full project is up on Codeplex.

What makes SocketShifter significant is that it takes the network abstraction of SOAP, WS-Addressing, and the Service Bus full circle and layers the very bottom of that...

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The .NET Service Bus REST protocol for Queues - Some comments, some answers

Stefan Tilkov has several interesting remarks regarding our .NET Service Bus REST Queue Protocol that are worth addressing.

<FONT color=#0080c0>      Putting a password in the URI to get an identity token seems to expose information unnecessarily </FONT>

That’s an area where we know that we’re going to change the protocol. We’ve already labeled that protocol as temporary in the documentation for the PDC CTP and we didn’t get all the pieces in the...

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