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Sample code from Norway

Sample code from Norway

<FONT color=#345877 size=1>Here's</FONT> the zipped up sample code that I've been showing during my Metadata talk at the VS.NET launch event in Oslo. It's demonstrating yet another use of the constraint attributes that I've written quite a while ago. The idea is simple. When you use restriction facets on types defined in XSD and map them into a programming model, most of the facets get crippled away. They get totally lost when...

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Beispiele von der deutschen VS.NET/Server Roadshow

Enterprise Services Beispiel von der deutschen VS.NET/Server Roadshow 2003
Enterprise Services Sample from the Slovenian NT Konferenca 2003, Norway Developer Days

Dieses Archiv beinhaltet das in meinem Enterprise Services Vortrag gezeigte Beispiel zu JustInTimeActivation und Pooling von der deutschen VS.NET/Windows Server 2003 Roadshow.

This sample around JustInTimeActivation and Pooling has also been shown at the DevDays in Norway last Tuesday and the NTKonferenca in Portoroz on Wednesday and is a slight variation of the DataSet caching example...

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