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Thank you, Julia

Thank you, Julia. I am glad you liked my TechEd sessions and thank you for the kind words :)  However ...

What is so strange is that I cannot get  used to seeing him open up and work in Visual Studio. Why on earth is that? Perhaps it is something to do with the level of what he is talking about that it is bigger than coding, so...

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PerfectTheft. has a redirect tool up that presents this blog (and everyone else's blog) on their site: Since they didn't get back on my email, I'll have to tell them in public:

Any content of this blog is my property. The RSS feed is available for aggregation and personal information by anyone, BUT if you republish my weblog on your website without my permission, you are stealing intellectual property and...

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TechEd: Getting stuff out the door: Code for DEV357

TechEd / Getting stuff out the door: Code for DEV357

Pending a more polished and documented version (which I'll publish some time next week), here's "just" the zipped up directory with the code from the DEV357 session (Building distributed apps). 41 C# files, 375KB of source code. Way too much ;)

The code for DEV359 and WEB404 is a bit more difficult to pack up, because it's much harder to deploy and get to work without a...

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