Off topic?
OT? What are you guys thinking? There's nothing off-topic on a blog since the topic of a blog is you. ;)
OT? What are you guys thinking? There's nothing off-topic on a blog since the topic of a blog is you. ;)
I wasn’t sure how good these two new features would work, but the stats are so great that I already don’t want to miss them. Gives you a really good impression what people are (still) interested in and what files they grab from you site. Now I finally know what stuff (code, PPTs) I need to keep current and what I topics should come back to and revisit.
For the curious I’ve...
I've bumped up the version number for dasBlog to 1.4. I've got a couple of enhancements myself in a private build here and the folks over in the workspace at GotDotNet have added quite a few cool things as well. I want to check in my new stuff before end of next week, so that we'll have an "official build" ready just before PDC.
The two features I added today are evil spy-features "ClickThrough" and...
While you wait for the Indigo show to start, here is some stuff to look at and consider (again).
The links at the bottom of this post point to five slide decks that I have been using for presentations throughout this year. All of them are, indeed, very relevant to the Indigo story you will be hearing at PDC 03.
This spring, I’ve been on the road together with my good friend Steve...
Grosse Dinge steht vor der Tür, alle wollen hin. Problem: Die ganze Operation ist nicht gerade billig und der Chef läßt einen nicht hinfahren.
Um ein bisschen Trost zu spenden und auch um einen netten ersten Anlass zu geben, sich unter (nieder-)rheinländischen Entwicklern mal zusammenzusetzen ohne dass es gleich was kostet, haben wir hier bei newtelligence vor, sehr kurz nach der grossen Microsoft Veranstaltung in L.A. irgendwo hier bei uns einen Saal zu mieten (irgendwo rundum D, MG, NE)...