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Farewell, Ronald Reagan

Two non technical comments in a day; very rare. And two "thank you" messages, too. But this one has to be: Thank you, President Reagan. Sir, you will have m...

XP SP2 is the Y2K of Windows

It's inevitable, its security improvements are absolutely necessary and it might break your code. I would strongly suggest that you install a test box with X...

Thank you, Allied Soldier

Tomorrow morning, 60 years ago, the French Normandy coast saw the biggest military operation in the history of mankind. It was the start of the liberation o...

SO(A): Autonomy

Autonomy means that a service is alive. Here are my sub-tenets: It has its very own, independent view on data. That may or may not result in fully owning i...

SQL Server Best Practices Analyzer

If you are even nearly as ignorant as every other developer including myself about any administrative aspect of SQL Server 2000 beyond the default ...