Thanks, Spammer!
I just deleted a „direct marketing message“ for a lottery with the subject line: “[SPAM] category B winner”. The fact that a spammer labels his spam as [SPA...
I just deleted a „direct marketing message“ for a lottery with the subject line: “[SPAM] category B winner”. The fact that a spammer labels his spam as [SPA...
Go here and read what Matt Davis at the Cognition and Brain Sciences Unit, in Cambridge, UK has to say says about one of the current "cool quotes" in blog sp...
Lots of PDC hype these days. Here's a piece an Avalon by Wesner Moise that's still leaving quite a bit in the fog. My translation of what I a...
A long while back, I wrote about a hack to fix the dllhost.exe.config dilemma of Enterprise Services. That hack no longer works due to changes in the Framew...