(1) Policy-negotiated behavior, (2) Explicitness of Boundaries, (3) Autonomy and (4) Contract/Schema Exchange are the proclaimed tenets of service orientation. As I am getting along with the design for the services infrastructure we're working on, I find that one of the four towers the others in importance and really doesn't really fit well with them: Autonomy.

P, E and CE say things about the edge of a service. P speaks about how a service negotiates its edge behavior, guarantees and expectations with others. E speaks about how talking to another service is and must be different from talking to anything within your own service. CE speaks about how it is possible to establish a common understanding about messages and data while allowing independent evolution of internals by not sharing programming-level type constructs.

P is about creating and using techniques for metadata exchange and metadata controlled dynamic configuration of service-edges, E is about creating and using techniques for shaping service-edge communication paths and tools in a way that services don't get into each others underwear, and CE is about techniques for defining, exchanging, and implementing the flow of data across service-edges so that services can deal with each other's "stuff".

P, E and CE are guiding tenets for "Web Services" and the stack that evolves around SOAP. These are about "edge stuff". Proper tooling around SOAP, WSDL, XML Schema, WS-Policy (think ASMX, WSE, Axis, or Indigo) makes or will make it relatively easy for any programmer to do "the right thing" about these tenets.

Autonomy, on the other hand, is rather independent from the edge of a service. It describes a fundamental approach to architecture. An "autonomous digital entity" is "alive", makes independent decisions, hides its internals, and is in full control of the data it owns. An autonomous digital entity is not fully dependent on stuff happening on its edge or on inbound commands or requests. Instead, an autonomous service may routinely wake up from a self-chosen cryostasis and check whether certain data items that it is taking care of are becoming due for some actions, or it may decide that it is time to switch on the lights and lower the windows blinds to fends off burglars while its owner is on vacation. 

Autonomy is actually quite difficult to (teach and) achieve and much more a matter of discipline than a matter of tooling. If you have two "Web services" that sit on top of the very same data store and frequently touch what's supposed to be each others private (data) parts, each of them may very well fulfill the P, E, CE tenets, but they are not autonomous. If you try to scale out and host such a pair or group of Web services in separate locations and on top of separate stores, you end up with a very complicated Siamese-twins-separation surgery.  

That gets me to very clearly separate the two stories: Web Services <> Services.

A service is an autonomous digital entity that may or may not accept commands, inquiries (and data) from the outside world. If it chooses to accept such input, it can choose to do so through one or more web service edges that fulfill the P,E,CE tenets and/or may choose to accept totally different forms of input. If it communicates with the outside world from within, it may or may choose to do so via web services. A service is a program.

A web service is an implementation of a set of edge definitions (policies and contracts and channels) that fronts a service and allows services to communicate with each other. Two services may choose to communicate using multiple web services, if they wish to do so. A web service is a communication tool.

With that, I'll cite myself from three paragraphs earlier: If you have two "Web services" that sit on top of the very same data store [...] they are not autonomous. If you try to scale out [...] you end up with a very complicated Siamese-twins-separation surgery."  ... and correct myself: If you have two "Web services", they don't sit on the data store, they front a service. The service is the smallest deployable unit. The service provides the A, the web services bring P, E and CE to the table. A web service may, indeed, just be a message router, security gateway, translator or other intermediary that handles messages strictly on the wire-level and dispatches them to yet another web service fronting an actual service that does the work prescribed by the message. 

All of this, of course, causes substantial confusion about the duplicate use of the word service. The above it terribly difficult to read. I would wish it was still possible to kill the (inapproprate) term "web service" and just call it "edge", or "XML Edge", or (for the marketing people) "SOAP Edge Technology", or maybe "Service Edge XML", although I don't think the resulting acronym would go over well in the U.S.
