Duplex, Request/Response and One-Way
One year ago (plus 5 days), I posted this here on my blog. I just found it again through my referral stats. Of course, that post isn't about Juliet, at all. Fun.
One year ago (plus 5 days), I posted this here on my blog. I just found it again through my referral stats. Of course, that post isn't about Juliet, at all. Fun.
You've gotta love this sentence from here: "Pool resources to get additional UK Government and European Union funding."
Das Beispiel von der Nachtsession zum Thema Transaktionen beim Technical Summit in Kassel ist hier zu finden. Und hier ist das passende Slidedeck.
This here on /. pretty much speaks for itself. (I didn't know I applied for a job in New York or posted my resume anywhere? Did I?)
Sir, why don't you come at least forward with your name and company name (the comment section here is a good place)? You can also send me email. The link is here on my blog site. If you choose this route, please include your slashdot post and please...
In the last two days, I've been called a clueless idiot, a f*cking retard and somewhere I even read that I should be punched in the face for writing the open letter to Aiden (who is, by the way, a fictional character representing very many people I've spoken to). There are more than 1400 comments in a thread on slashdot referencing this post, some of them very insightful and...