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FABRIQ Message Handlers and Pipelines

The most fundamental element in FABRIQ is a message handler. The simplest possible message handler implements the interface IMessageHandler, which has a single method called bool Process(Message msg).

Message handlers are CLR classes that can be declared as “handler types” for use in a FABRIQ configuration file using an expression like:

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Wrapping up the FABRIQ

Achim and myself are currently in a series of very quick rev-cycles for the first public release of the Microsoft/newtelligence FABRIQ project that we did with and for Microsoft EMEA HQ and that was conceived, driven and brillantly managed by my architect colleague Arvindra Sehmi, who gave me the lead architect role for this project.

[Reminder/Disclaimer: this is not a product, but rather a pretty elaborate "how-to" architecture example that comes with an implementation. Hence it's not a supported Microsoft or newtelligence...

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