Recent posts

Lutz is our hero.

Christian Weyer is staying at my place for the next three nights, because we’re both presenting at a Microsoft Visual Studio 2005 training at Microsoft’s Neuss office, which is more or less down the street (highway) from where I live. Christian brought some good beer from his region (Franken – Bavaria’s northern part) and we’re having some of that, watch some TV (“We Were Soldiers” and “Broken Arrow”, we’re just guys like...

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A Weekend With Indigo. Part 3: Hard-Core Messaging. Duplex Conversations.

[Read Part 1 and Part 2 first]

Like with parts 1 and 2, I’ll stick with the “this isn’t RPC” theme for this 3rd part of this little series and will show how to flow free form XML from and to services. However, I will drop the “client”/”server” nomenclature from here on and will talk about endpoints. If you look at the contract below (along with the following explanation, of course),...

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