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Doug got email.

Doug Purdy, the (my) Group Program Manager of the Connected Framework team (owning WCF and WF) just got email:

<FONT color=#000000>Dear Douglas,</FONT>office" />

<FONT face="Times New Roman" color=#000000 size=3> </FONT>

<FONT color=#000000>Last year you emailed us regarding .NET Framework 3.0. </FONT> [Read more]

“Google kills SOAP!”

It's been slashdotted and also otherwise widely discussed that Google has deprecated their SOAP API. A deadly blow for SOAP as people are speculating? Guess not.

What I find striking are the differences in the licenses between the AJAX API and the SOAP API. That's where the beef is. While the results obtained through the SOAP API can be used (for non-commercial purposes) practically in any way except that "you may not use the search results provided by the...

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