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Code of Conduct?

Tim O'Reilly's "code of conduct" is a "we need more laws" overreaction to the fact that real world making its way into blogland. Yes, as much as there may be a sense in some people that there's a "we" amongst bloggers and "we" need to stay together or some folks still think that bloggers are some kind of an elite: "Blogger" is a mainstream occupation and hobby now. That means: you'll find that some...

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So how much faster is it really and is it? WCF performance in comparison.

We just published a great whitepaper written by our WCF/WF Performance PM Saurabh Gupta on the relative performance of WCF compared to ASMX, WSE, Enterprise Services, and Remoting. This is material for your favorites folder. The summary says:

To summarize the results, WCF is 25%—50% faster than ASP.NET Web Services, and approximately 25% faster than .NET Remoting. Comparison with .NET Enterprise Service is load dependant, as in one case WCF...

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