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Storm the Beaches! Liberate IoT Data!?

I commented on this blog post on LinkedIn last week; it’s worth spending a little time also on the data claims in addition to the platform claims. Amongst the author’s argument is also that IoT data must be “liberated”.

First, the author clearly has a problem understanding today’s function or design of IoT platforms or the cloud when it comes to data. This quote stands nicely by itself without further comment:


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The Failure of IoT Platforms?

Just read this post on LinkedIn where the author broadly declares that all current IoT platforms are outdated and don’t address even the most basic development challenges.

Nice attention piece.

Today’s IoT platforms address immediate needs. They don’t exist in a vaccuum, but aim to solve real problems. It’s irrelevant for shipping production systems of today and the next 18 months what sort of grand magic will exist in 5 or 10 years.


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