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Why I want WSDL to die.

Why I want WSDL to die.

Frequent readers of this blog, people who've seen my Web Services demos and those who downloaded the source for my ASP.NET SoapExtensions (yet another link) know that I am pretty serious about supporting the WSDL features that are there.

Whenever you plug a security feature or a transaction feature or a session feature into the ASP.NET pipeline using one of my SoapExtension attributes, I will make sure that the WSDL gets...

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Sam defends WSDL (but doesn’t try too hard :)

Sam defends WSDL (but doesn't try too hard :)

In defense of WSDL. Clemens Vasters: Why I want WSDL to die. I agree in principle with the sentiments expressed in this excellent rant. It is the execution and details that things become problematic. What actually concerns me more that the (valid, IMHO) irritations that Clemens so eloquently describes is the process of getting consensus and widespread adoption of any new format....

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I’ve seen the future and it will be.

I've seen the future and it will be.

InfoPath may become for XML, what the Basic language was and is for binary stuff. 

Thinking that technical knowledge about all the odd stuff around angle brackets and infosets alone will remain to be a sufficient foundation for a career or even a whole business may be as fatal as thinking in the 1980's that your x86 assembly skills will be enough to support your family for the next 30 years. It...

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