Me, with big time jet lag, on video, talking about SOA and AOP.
I listened to "Service-Oriented Architectures", presented by Clemens Vasters at the EMEA Architects Tour. Its a great description of SOAs and Clemens makes several thought-provoking points. Thanks to Harry Pierson for the link.Best line of the presentation:
We owe XML to our children.True. True....[Read more]
InfoPath only for the big guys?
Microsoft sets Office bundling terms. Microsoft will not include InfoPath and OneNote as part of the Office suite sold at retail or installed on new computers. [CNET]
There are things I will probably never understand. The Office bundling is one of them. I have a hard time figuring out why InfoPath shall only be an "Enterprise" thing.
Getting closer to agreement with Ted.
Even more on UDDI. UDDI provides the opportunity for metadata to describe the services, and the likely response here will be that "This will be one of the constraints you can establish when querying UPS, FedEx and DeutschePost for the service", but that presumes that I don't have some kind of partner-based relationship with one or the other; in short, it doesn't reflect the larger business concern that I want to...
UDDI, back and forth.
More on UDDI. [...] OK, UDDI-as-the-yellow-pages I'll buy, but this idea of "give me the WSDLs for those services" implies that I'm going to dynamically invoke a web service, meaning now essentially you're tying me into a loose-binding situation similar to writing Java or .NET Reflection code. Quite frankly, I don't buy this argument whatsoever--I *need* to have some idea of the service I'm trying to invoke, otherwise, how can...