WS-PolicyAttachment UDDI bootstrap file
I couldn't find one, so I made a WS-PolicyAttachment UDDI bootstrap file for import into Windows UDDI Services.
When I put that together, I ran into a bug in the spec. Point 5.1 shows the tModel for the remote policy reference. The tModelKey shown there is
<tModel tModelKey="uuid:0b1b5a47-bebf-3b7d-9802-f2dd80a91adebd3966a8-faa5-416e-9772-128554343571">
which is a bit long for a uuid, isn't it? Correct is the following (as the spec later explains):
<tModel tModelKey="uuid:0b1b5a47-bebf-3b7d-9802-f2dd80a91ade">