Recent posts

Regular expressions for SQL Server, 2nd try

Dan Farino, who wrote the CLR based, Regex extended stored procedure on which I put a warning sign yesterday, wrote me an email back (I notified him that I wrote that blog entry) and told me that he just uploaded an unmanaged version. Haven't downloaded it, yet, but it seems to be functionally equivalent. If it's stable and quick, I can think of 2 bazillon uses for this -- including, of course, Regex based XML parsing inside SQL Server (while we wait for Yukon)....

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Namespaces continued

Tim Bray, author of the Namespace spec, enlightens us here that I am technically wrong by using the term "empty namespace". Yes. Absolutely. But the "not member of any namespace" vs. "member of the empty namespace" distinction becomes meaningless once you start coding against an XML infrastructure, because in the programming models, there is pretty much always a namespace qualifier. In the .NET Framework, for instance, the NamespaceURI is an empty string in such cases (... and it should...

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CSS troubles.

Jon Udell found  (and Stefan Tilkov did too) that my new design doesn’t (didn’t) work in Mozilla Firebird.

The issues were inconsistencies in the behavior of the "float" and "clear" CSS properties between Opera, IE and Mozilla and, on top of it all, the rustiness of my CSS skills. All the "side-bar" elements on the left side of the page (calendar, navigator links, category list and blogroll) were "width:220px", "float:left"...

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