Thanks, Spammer!
I just deleted a „direct marketing message“ for a lottery with the subject line: “[SPAM] category B winner”. The fact that a spammer labels his spam as [SPAM] is either funny, fair or exhibits an unprecedented case of idiocy. I still have to make up my mind.
By the way, my little experiment started August 8th, where I set up an unmonitored and unused mail account just to see how...
The official word on the solution of the “dllhost.exe.config dilemma” or “How to use XML config with Enterprise Services”
Steve Swartz, who is one of my very good personal friends and who is, that “personal function” aside, Program Manager in Microsoft’s Indigo team and also was the lead architect for a lot of the new functionality that we got in the Windows Server 2003 version of Enterprise Services (COM+ 1.5 for the old fashioned folks), wrote a comment on my previous post on this topic, where I explained how you can...
Jsut for crlaicfitaoin prpuoses on “Aoccdrnig to a rscheearch at Cmabrigde Uinervtisy” …
Go here and read what Matt Davis at the Cognition and Brain Sciences Unit, in Cambridge, UK has to say says about one of the current "cool quotes" in blog space.
It's a very interesting read from someone who can explain that the following paragraph (that has been replicated across hundreds of blogs in the last two weeks and for which the source doesn't seem to be really known) isn't really accurate in...
PDC speculations: Avalon
Lots of PDC hype these days. Here's a piece an Avalon by Wesner Moise that's still leaving quite a bit in the fog.
My translation of what I am reading from the abstracts is:
Imagine Microsoft would drop the entire USER32 subsystem of Windows and replace it with a brand-spanking-new windowing and I/O engine and a fully object-oriented, managed API, finally doing the long-overdue overhaul and replacement of the foundation of the Windows UI technologies...
dllhost.exe.config dilemma fixed, at last – by Microsoft.
A long while back, I wrote about a hack to fix the dllhost.exe.config dilemma of Enterprise Services. That hack no longer works due to changes in the Framework, but the good news is there is an “official” and very easy solution for this now. Unfortunately there is no documentation on this (or at least it’s not easy enough to find that I could locate it)...