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Steve Swartz and Doug Purdy set to blog about work.

My good friend Steve Swartz is giving blogging a second try and this time for real. Given that the stuff he's been working on is/was in the stealthier areas of the Indigo effort (not the public WS-* specs), it was pretty difficult for him to blog about work, but now with PDC things are changing.

In an effort to get newtelligence's PDC T-Shirt, Doug Purdy switched from Radio to dasBlog as well.

These two blogs will be very...

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Longhorn according to the forum twits at

If you thought that Slashdot marks the top in mindless "Microsoft sucks, I love Linux" advocacy, here's something better.

The German tech-news site has discussion forums for every single article they publish and these forums seem to be the #1 meeting place for the clueless, bored, bitter, unemployed, underpaid, oppressed, unskilled and "why didn't I get another job" people in the German IT industry.

Today's news is the Longhorn build that PDC attendees...

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